HF SYSTEMS* is not registered as an investment advisor or similar and the information, recommendations and other materials contained in its output as shown via online or offline presentations, websites, trading platforms or social media outlets such as Telegram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube, are for informational purposes only and should not be deemed as trading or investment advice. Trading involves a high degree of risk and traders should always do their own research and take full responsibility for their own trading decisions.
All communications should not be considered as an offer or solicitation to sell or buy securities or other financial instruments or products, nor to constitute any advice or recommendation with respect to such securities or financial instruments or products. Phrases employed such as “buy stop” or “sell stop” refer to “trigger” levels for HF SYSTEMS and should not be deemed as trading signals or trading advice.
Any information shown relating to historical performance derives from simulated back tests which may not accurately reflect market conditions at the time. Any projections of past profitability based on simulated results cannot be relied upon for future returns.
HF SYSTEMS does not accept any liability for its output or for any actions that may occur because of the information. HF SYSTEMS relies on a variety of data providers for economic and financial market information and the data used is deemed to be dependable.
Prices displayed are sourced from TradeStation’s bid price which may vary from bid prices on display at other trading venues. All trigger levels communicated are indicative and all system entries/exits can only be deemed to have occurred when an open position exists on TradeStation or trading platforms where HF SYSTEMS fills are displayed.
This document is the property of HF SYSTEMS and should not be circulated without the express authorization of HF SYSTEMS.
* HF SYSTEMS is a trademark of Howard Friend